The New Frontier in Safety Management 
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Every year, organizations invest billions of dollars in new safety initiatives that fail to produce desired results. The primary reason is the inability to produce the sustained change required to have lasting impact on human behavior. True and lasting change requires becoming aware of and changing habits and beliefs stored mostly in the unconscious mind. Every year, organizations invest billions of dollars in new safety initiatives that fail to produce desired results. 

The primary reason is the inability to produce the sustained change required to have lasting impact on human behavior. True and lasting change requires becoming aware of and changing habits and beliefs stored mostly in the unconscious mind. Using the understanding of the neuroplasticity nature of the brain, a formula can be applied to allow employees to learn new ways to think, act and feel; in short, create a new mindset towards workplace safety. This session will introduce the new frontier in safety management; neuroscience, and how it can be applied to transform safety culture and performance.

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